WEEKLY In-Person Yoga Classes

*NEW* ZOOM option!
If you want to join but can not be in-person you can now sign up for zoom. Just follow the link “reserve your spot” and make sure to choose the zoom option. Recording are sent out and available for 2 weeks.

Join a weekly therapeutic and restorative yoga class IN-PERSON led by Sam.

Supreme Release Yoga (SRY) approach to āsana focuses on decompressing the whole spine and releasing deep tension in the pelvis. This practice is deeply calming. nourishing, and rejuvenating.

Each month has a theme woven into each class pertaining to the traditional seasonal recommendations according to āyurveda. No experience necessary, all levels welcome! Just wear comfortable clothing. ALL props are provided (no mats needed).

Please reserve your spot BEFORE class by following the links below. Packages are the way to go if you know you want to join regularly.

Self-Paced Series

This class was previously recording and available on-demand.

PRICE: $85

Increase the time between your bodywork and massage sessions by cultivating a home yoga practice that is like a massage for your whole spine. Supreme Release Yoga (SRY) is a practice that is restorative in nature yet very deep. Developed by yoga therapist, educator and my teacher, Kaya Mindlin, the practice decompresses the whole spine and pelvis revealing a deeper experience of calmness and tranquility in your whole being.

In this series we will focus on shorter 45 minute practices that you can easily integrate into your home practice. This practice has been the main reason I am able to continue being a bodyworker because it keeps me open, free from pain, and connected deeply within.

Who is this practice good for?

  • If you suffered with chronic pain in your back or joints and are looking for relief

  • If you are interested in finding a way to get a more do-able consistent daily yoga practice that is truly restorative and transformative beyond a “work-out”

  • If you are a yoga practitioner or teacher who is finding mainstream yoga no longer working for your body and are looking for a new approach to āsana

  • Not recommended for: acute back pain (fresh injury), and first trimester of pregnancy (unless regularly practicing SRY already). Questions? email me and samantha@solayurveda.com

What is SRY? Supreme Release Yoga (also called Spinal Release Yoga) was developed by Yoga Therapist and educator, Kaya Mindlin. The practice is restorative in nature but very deep and aims at decompressing the whole spine and pelvis, revealing a deeper experience of calm presence with your Self - body, mind and spirit.