SOL Memberships

Inside the Membership:

Each month focuses on one āyurvedic theme and includes:

  • Live talk with Q&A time on the first Friday of every month

  • Meal recipes, plus teas and elixirs dripped into your portal throughout the month

  • Lifestyle therapies connected to the theme

  • Community space online to ask questions and connect with others

Become a member and save!

  • Members receive 15% off all bodywork, yoga therapy, and private āyurveda sessions

  • Receive first access and discounts on future programs and in-person events. (i.e. yoga series, cooking classes, and more)

Annual Membership: $295

Monthly Membership: $25

January 2024 kicks off our first month with…

Intro to Āyurveda

LIVE CLASS: Friday January 5th at 10am via zoom

In this class we look at what is āyurveda? What are the elements, the doshas and what is the difference between your constitution and imbalance? Learn about the cause of disease and the definition of real health according to āyurveda.

PLUS Learn the mystical origin story of Lord Dhanvatari, the Lord of āyurveda with deeper meanings.

Āyurvedic Recipes & Lifestyle for January:

  • Winter Chai

  • Simple Lentil Soup

  • Making a spice mix

  • Rhythms of Daily Life: Scheduling your day according to nature


What if I can not attend the live class?

All the live classes are recording and posted to our community portal so you can watch when it works for you.

Are these classes in-person or on zoom?

The classes are all on zoom for now. But you can catch in-person yoga series and cooking events happening throughout the year.

Can I use my discount toward all my bodywork sessions?

YES. As long as you are a member you can use your discount as many times as you like.